
Building a Brighter Future, One Step at a Time

Your Voice in
the Parliament

Welcome to the official website of Member Parliament of Somalia, dedicated to serving our Somalia with integrity, compassion, and a relentless commitment to progress. Explore our platform, get involved, and join us in shaping a better tomorrow.

Empowering Our Community

Welcome to our platform dedicated to progress, unity, and positive change. Join us as we work hand in hand to shape a brighter future for Somalia and all its residents.

Education Initiatives

Championing policies and programs to improve access to quality education, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive academically.

Economic Growth

Driving initiatives to stimulate economic development, create jobs, and support small businesses, fostering prosperity across our communities.

Healthcare Access

Advocating for affordable healthcare solutions and expanding access to essential services, prioritizing the well-being and vitality of our citizens.

Environmental Conservation

Leading efforts to protect our natural resources, combat climate change, and promote sustainability, safeguarding the beauty and vitality of our environment.

Meet Our Member Parliament of Somalia: Your Voice for Progress

Empowering Change, Inspiring Hope

In addition to my professional endeavors and public service commitments, as a Member Parliament of Somalia, I am dedicated to advancing policies and initiatives that uplift and empower communities. One of the key aspirations close to my heart is the establishment of fully-equipped hospitals in Barawe. 

Explore her background, experience, and the values that drive her advocacy for positive change. Together, let’s build a brighter future for all.

Drive Change

Your donation powers progress in our community.

Community Investment

Supporting us fuels growth and prosperity.

Direct Impact

Every donation makes a tangible difference.

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Uniting for Forward Together!

Manifesting positive change by fostering unity and progress, inviting all elements of society.
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